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PathStep 7 Compassion hearts70 Forum posts6 Forum upvotes17 Current upvotes17 Age GroupAdult Last activeMay, 2024 Member sinceJune 12, 2017
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Adult daughter doesn't want to live with me
50 & Over Community / by convivialWatermelon3441
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April 11th
...See more My only child is 30, married and has 2 small children. My husband, her dad, passed almost 4 years ago and to help everyone out, they came to live with me. Since then, we've had major problems with our home, natural disasters, etc. I put myself through bankruptcy after my husband's passing because I felt no other way out. I have about a year and a half left then I will be done with it. Part of me knew they probably didn't want to stay with me the rest of my life but I was hoping. Our house isn't big enough, but its our home and it's a roof. It's a 3 bedroom, 1 bath. She has a son (5) and a daughter (2) and she reminds me all the time that when they are older, they will need their own rooms, which I know. She's a good kid and a good mother and I tell her that all the time. Now, the house needs more work. Repainting, new deck, new AC until (completely gone). Yesterday, my daughter came to me and asked me what I thought about the house. If we sold it, it would pay off my bankruptcy, my truck and we would have equity out of the home. I would need to find somewhere to go. They have been offered a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in their budget and don't want me to come with them. She told me she doesn't want to put me in a bad position and will help as much as she can to get everyone settled. But I don't want them to leave. I don't want to live alone. I would have to move and sell out because of my bankruptcy, but could afford to live alone once it settles. She said if I need somewhere to stay temporarily, I could stay with them, but it is still a 3 bedroom so that means I couldn't stay there permanently. And her goal is to raise her kids there. She made the comment yesterday that if we stayed together, she will be hopefully be well into her 50s before anything happened to me (I'm 63) and her and her husband have only lived completely alone for 2 years out of their 8 year relationship. I told her living alone isn't all it's cracked up to be. And I have never cared too much for her husband, but I tell her I love him anyways. She just hit me with this and I have no idea what to do, what to think, what to say.... I don't want this. Nothing ever goes right in my life.
Moving and pet problem
Family & Caregivers / by convivialWatermelon3441
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April 9th
...See more I made a post a few days regarding some issues with my mother, whom I live with. It's my husband, myself and our 2 children that all live with my mom. We moved in after my dad passed a fee years ago. Living here has been somewhat of a nightmare from my mom not wanting to help to problems with the house to natural disasters, etc. My husband and I have been offered a house in our budget that's more spacious for us and the kids. My father-in-law is renting us the house and does not want any pets at all and we've had our cat for 7 years now. Normally, I would not be quick to take the offer, but we really need our own space. Big downside is he doesn't want pets and we've had our cat for 7 years. The kids love her, she's clean, quiet, no matter bow much we have tried, no pets... I'm torn because we love her and we want to do the right thing, but this is such a good opportunity for us to finally have a place of our own...I'd hate to pass it up... I feel irresponsible almost because like we chose to have her...idk. Any advice? Words of encouragement...
Issues with Mom as an adult
Family & Caregivers / by convivialWatermelon3441
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April 2nd
...See more I have no idea what to do here... Part of me feels bad, then another part doesn't. Backstory: I'm 30, my husband and I have been married for almost 6 years and have 2 children. My parents have never been a fan of my husband and were controlling when we first got together (I was 22, paying for things on my own and carrying my weight around the house with my parents). I eventually moved out due to the controlling behaviors. My husband had never done anything to either of themand I had known him for several years.. Jump ahead a few years, after we were married and our first was born. In July of 2020 my dad passed from a massive heart attack. It was very unexpected. My parents, myself and husband had all planned on getting a house together before he passed, but we're waiting until our lease was up in our apartment, which was in August. So, my husband and I decided to move in with my mother to be there and help both support and financially. We moved in August and September we were hit with a severe hurricane. Had 2 trees on our roof with damage, without power for a few days, etc. My husband and I forked out $2500 to remove trees until insurance money came to have it fixed. By this point, my mom has filed bankruptcy for herself as she felt she couldn't pay off debts her and my dad had accumulated. She had said she would give us back the money after everything was fixed as we would have plenty left over...well we've never seen that money. Since then we've forked out more money for the house (which only has her name on it) because we've needed AC work done and hot water heater, pipelines, etc. We're up to close to $9000 total in the last 4 years, some of which has gone on credit cards that we've worked hard to pay off now.... whew. This isn't even the main problem. We've bought more groceries, my mom barely helps around the house. And she is healthy and capable... spends a ton of money on beer and cigarettes, curses around the kids (I now have 2 children). When my daughter was born, she had been seeing a man. He is nice and is great with the kids, but she had just met him when my daughter was born and decided 2 weeks after she was born that her and her boyfriend were going to go on a cruise out of the country. She knew this man a month...her exact words to me when I confronted her about how I was feeling were, "I can't put my life on hold for you." That stung because I had just spent the last 2 years making sure she was good. When my dad passed, she never once looked at me and said how are you? I don't necessarily fault her for that because I haven't lost a spouse, but it stings a bit. When we moved in she said, "if yall will drive me to the bar sometimes, I will keep my grandson so yall can go on a date night sometimes." Well we reciprocated our end of that deal, but she didn't. Everytime, we have asked her and gave her at least a weeks notice, she's said no. Alright, cool, your not obligated to watch him, he's my kid, but I told her she could drive herself to the bar and be responsible. I've gotten to where I just don't ask her for anything... I don't even like her offering anymore. She leaves dirty dishes out or puts them in the sink instead of washing them. We have no dishwasher... I wash up my dishes... and was doing hers for a while but I'm just tired of it. I cook, clean up afterwards, watch my kids, don't ask her for a single thing. My husband andni work opposite shifts so he helps as he can but he's not always here... This is not my time to raise a 60 year old capable woman. It's my time to raise and spend time with my children.... and I'm just tired of feeling like a slave or a maid. She has terrible hygiene and I'm OCD and suffer from anxiety so I'm suffocating here. My father in law has offered us a way out. Offered to buy any house we wanted and he would rent it out to us for $700/month. There's nothing that cheap in out city that's good and safe. House would be ours when he passes. But my mom can't afford to live here by herself and will immediately say, "yall just going to let me be homeless" or something to that nature. She is also the type that will make herself the victim in any situation so I will immediately be the bad guy here... but I can't take it. I love her, but I feel like we would have such a better relationship with distance, with separate house holds.... There's so much more tiny bits of info I could throw in. Things she's said, done, trauma, hurt... etc. I'm not perfect....but she's the parent I strive not to be. She was great as a child, growing up she was there...but as an adult building my own way, not at all... not at all... Any advice, criticism, similar experiences welcome!
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