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7 Cups is an on-demand emotional health service and online therapy provider

Our bridging technology anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners in one-on-one chat.

Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through our network. We have hundreds of listeners who come from all walks of life and have diverse experiences.

People connect with listeners on 7 Cups for all kinds of reasons, from big existential thoughts to small, day-to-day things that we all experience. Unlike talking to family or friends, a 7 Cups listener doesn't judge or try to solve problems and say what to do. Our listeners just listen. They understand. They give you the space you need to help you clear your head.

Research-Backed, Evidence-Based Online Emotional Support

Peer-reviewed publications support the efficacy of 7 Cups for a broad spectrum of mental health populations, including perinatal mood disorders, postpartum depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

Journal of
Mental Health
Journal of Mental Health
7 Cups is viewed to be as helpful as traditional psychotherapy.
Journal of
Medical Internet Research
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Perinatal Depression
& Anxiety
Accessible support for women and ability to create new healthcare services.
Journal of
Internet Interventions
Journal of Internet Interventions
Adjunct Treatment
for Schizophrenia
Cost effective way to introduce new methods of intervention.

Stanford Medicine Med X Award Winner
7 Cups received the 2016 Stanford Medicine X award for excellence in Health Care Systems Design

Our listeners reach similar therapeutic alliance levels in 19-minute message-based conversations as licensed therapists in face-to-face settings. We strive to recognize and distinguish our most reputable listeners.

We administer two different empirical diagnostics: PHQ-9 and GAD-7. This helps drive our research and impact stats.
100% of research participants would recommend 7 Cups to people who suffer from perinatal mood disorder
84.6% indicated that the listener is a good support
79.1% indicated that they would like to chat with the listener again
75.8% of participants indicated that they feel much better after chatting with a listener
70% of research participants rate support from volunteer listeners on 7 Cups as equally, or more, effective than traditional psychotherapy

Actively pursuing research with experts in the following areas:

Focus 1
Psychological aspects of natural language use
Focus 2
Digital phenotyping, i.e., passively collecting behavioral data via monitoring naturalistic language and smartphones/wearable usage
Focus 3
Mental health analysis via natural language processing (e.g. language markers of depression, anxiety online)
Focus 4
Mobile social support in college students with depression and anxiety
Focus 5
Effectiveness of novel treatment strategies to improve access to mental health care for adult and adolescent populations
Focus 6
Chatbot/Avatar perceptions and efficacy in providing emotional support
Focus 7
Adolescent emotional development
Focus 8
Neuropsychology of mental illness